Educator VS learner brawl caught on tape at Glenvista High School in Johannesburg South on Thursday

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Educator VS learner brawl caught on tape at Glenvista High School in Johannesburg South on Thursday

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Two grade 9 pupils and a teacher were involved in a physical altercation in a classroom at Glenvista High School in Johannesburg South on Thursday.

The incident has sparked concern and raised questions about the safety and discipline within the school.

The Gauteng Education Department officials visited the school on Friday to assess the situation and gather information about the incident. This incident comes after several fights between pupils were reported on Tuesday and Wednesday last week.

A video clip capturing the altercation between the teacher and the two pupils has gone viral on social media platforms. In the video, a grade 9 pupil can be seen attempting to throw a punch at the teacher, who then retaliates by lunging at the student.

The altercation escalates as the teacher falls to the floor and gets up to grab a chair, throwing it at the pupil. Another pupil joins in by flinging a desk at the teacher.

This video clip has raised concerns about the safety of both teachers and students in the school environment. It has also sparked a debate about the underlying issues that may have led to such a violent confrontation.

The incident at Glenvista High School is not an isolated event. According to a parent, the school had recently sent out a message on a WhatsApp group, reminding parents about an important meeting to discuss concerns related to the abuse of cell phones and social media platforms by students.

The school had been dealing with numerous cases of students creating WhatsApp groups and social media pages to bully their peers and spread malicious rumours about each other and their families. This has resulted in an alarming number of fights and conflicts within the school.

Reacting to the video clip, Basil Manuel, the Executive Director of the National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of SA (NAPTOSA), expressed his disappointment at the teacher’s behaviour but also acknowledged that there must have been extreme provocation for such a reaction.

He emphasised the importance of teachers defusing tense situations and called for support and understanding for the teacher involved.

Mary Metcalfe, a Professor of Practice at the University of Johannesburg, called for a full investigation into the incident to understand the underlying causes and to develop strategies to prevent such incidents in the future.

Comments on a WhatsApp group for members of the National Association of School Governing Bodies (NASGB) highlighted the urgent need for intervention and discipline in addressing the students’ behaviour.

One member emphasised the importance of reprimanding the learners, while another expressed concern about the safety of educators in such situations.

There is a growing consensus that overprotecting students and failing to address their misbehaviour can have long-term consequences.

It is crucial for educational institutions, like Glenvista High School, to develop clear policies and strategies to address such misconduct and ensure the safety and well-being of both teachers and students.

SurgeZirc SA has forwarded the video clip to the South African Council for Educators (SACE) for further investigation.

The school has not yet provided a comment as the principal was in a meeting at the time of publication. Media queries have been directed to the Gauteng Education Department, and their comment will be included once it is received.

This incident at Glenvista High School serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining discipline, addressing underlying issues, and providing support to both teachers and students.

It is crucial for educational institutions and stakeholders to work together to create a safe and conducive learning environment for all.

In 2021, Glenvista High School faced another unfortunate incident when pupils who refused to write an exam caused extensive damage to the school hall.

These incidents highlight the need for proactive measures to address disciplinary issues and ensure the well-being of all individuals within the school community.
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